What is B.Tech in Engineering?
4 years, 48 subjects, 100 assignments and after all the hullaboo is an engineer formed. Those who want to make a career in this field and are determined to create, innovate, and explore should opt for an engineering degree.
It is a full-time course across different fields such as mechanical, biotechnology, computer science, electronics, civil and many more. The entire course is divided into eight semesters with emphasis given on physics, chemistry, and maths along with the core branch subjects.
In the first year of an engineering course in B.Tech, all branch students are taught the subjects that are a mix of all disciplines from programming to mechanical. From the sophomore year, more emphasis is given on the core subjects and students are specialised in different areas pertaining to their field.
An aspirant need to qualify 10+2 level along with passing the entrance examination for engineering. It is necessary to have PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) as core subjects along with the aptitude for problem solving and logical reasoning.
Why Btech?
It is a professional course that prepares one to work professionally right after completing their graduation. With high paying jobs and great benefits, one is provided with all the technical knowledge and trained with the right skill sets to succeed. From having a good academic performance, it is necessary to develop one’s interpersonal and interpersonal skills too to have an edge in the industry.
One can choose among the various domains offered for a person pursuing B.Tech in engineering such as computer science, information technology, electronics, mechanical, civil, biotechnology and so much more.
What lies ahead?
Those interested to enhance their knowledge can opt for higher studies in foreign countries or local institutes. B.Tech graduates generally pursue M.Tech as an advancement of their skillsets. Some even go for MBA to work as managers and entrepreneurs. Some pursue their higher education along with a job, either through distance learning by enrolling into online classes offered by many universities
Most students get jobs into the top MNCs, private sectors, service based or product-based companies with high packages and great benefits. Some even apply into the government sector, however technical roles in the government sector require one to qualify their entrance examinations. Private companies recruit a large number of graduates each year for different roles in their company like product developer, technical lead, systems engineer, web developer, etc with a starting salary of five to ten lakh per annum or even more.
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